By accessing the page "Company" in the web version, you can fill in some basic info about your company.
Company name (mandatory)
Company language
Language that will be assigned to new users
Business ID (mandatory)
Company ID for external services
External company ID that is required for certain integrations
Contact details
You bookkeepers email
Bookkeepers will receive links to accounting and payment files when the accounting batches are sent
Contact person for invoicing
Support person
If there are any errors when sending the accounting batches the error message are sent to this/these emails.
Authentication settings
Enforce SSO authentication
If this setting is turned on, users cannot log in to your Bezala environment with a username and password combination.
Self-sign-up settings (Read more)
"User Request" recipients
Copy self-sign-up link (sent to all Managers if empty)
Sporadic users can use the link to sign-up (Read more)
Okta settings
Fill in the settings if your company is using Okta for signing in