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Company info and contact details

How to fill in and manage the basic settings for your company

Maria Tirkkonen avatar
Written by Maria Tirkkonen
Updated over a week ago

By accessing the page "Company" in the web version, you can fill in some basic info about your company.


  • Company name (mandatory)

  • Company language

    • Language that will be assigned to new users

  • Business ID (mandatory)

Company ID for external services

  • External company ID that is required for certain integrations

Contact details

  • You bookkeepers email

    • Bookkeepers will receive links to accounting and payment files when the accounting batches are sent

  • Contact person for invoicing

  • Support person

    • If there are any errors when sending the accounting batches the error message are sent to this/these emails.

Authentication settings

  • Enforce SSO authentication

    • If this setting is turned on, users cannot log in to your Bezala environment with a username and password combination.

Self sign-up settings (Read more)

  • "User Request" recipients

  • Copy self sign-up link (sent to all Managers if empty)

    • Sporadic users can use the link to sign-up (Read more)

Okta settings

  • Fill in the settings if your company is using Okta for signing in

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