Credit card bills in Bezala
The credit card bill is automatically imported to Bezala monthly or daily depending on your credit card provider. If the bill contains transactions for multiple credit cards, we’ll split it to individual bills. This way the user will only see the transactions that belong to their own credit card. You can see the individual bill lines by going to the "Credit Card Bills" in the web version. On the "Missing Receipts" page, you will see a summary of all open transactions in Bezala.
Credit card receipt look-up
Bezala checks which bill lines are missing a receipt. Automatic matching of receipts is done when the transactions arrive to Bezala,when new receipt is created and after receipt is updated.
The bills are automatically linked to receipts in Bezala by:
credit card number
Payment method and user linking
Bezala matches a user and payment method to purchases based on the first four and last four digits of the card added to the payment method. For Eurocard and Nordea integrations, it is also possible to use external user IDs for matching. For Zevoy and Pliant integrations, information is linked based on card numbers and user email addresses.
If payment method information is not found, Bezala attempts to add the information to the correct user based on either the user's external ID or the cardholder's name. Additionally, it tries to find an account for the credit card depending on the card type (reimbursable or non-reimbursable). If both the user and account are found, transactions are automatically matched, and missing card information is added.
Exceptions to this logic include Danske Master Card integrations (matching is done based on the cardholder's name) and Zevoy and Pliant integrations (matching uses also email).
Card information can also be manually matched to a user:
Go to the payment methods view and click the pen icon next to the correct account.
Check that the first four and last four digits of the card have been added. If they are missing, click the "+Add credit card" button and enter the information in the fields, then save your changes.
Go to the "Credit card transactions" view and find the correct invoice number.
Click the "Credit card" column for the correct invoice and select the card information belonging to the invoice from the dropdown. The correct credit card should now be saved to the invoice, and the payment method and user columns should show the correct information.
Tips to make the automation work better
please make sure that the “User” field contains the credit card user’s name
please make sure that the correct credit card is selected as the payment method
please make sure the receipt has the correct date
if the receipt was given in a foreign currency, please select the right currency and fill in the foreign currency amount
if our reminder email includes one or more rows with the text “Cash Withdrawal”, please insert all the receipts related to the cash withdrawals as one receipt per cash withdrawal
How to link receipts manually
Find the individual bill from the "Credit card bills" view in the web version and click on the bill number
Click on the text "Choose receipt" and choose the receipt for that bill line from the dropdown
If you can't find the correct receipt from the dropdown, you can add the missing receipt by clicking the link "Add receipt" found on the same row. After this please return to section 1 in these instructions.
If the receipt has been delivered to accounting via other means, you can choose the value "Not needed" for a bill row. This way Bezala won't remind you or the card's user about this particular bill row.
To manage your credit card bills in Bezala you'll need to activate the "Credit Card Bills" feature. Read more about this feature here.