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Integrate to Procountor

How to integrate Bezala with your company's Procountor

Maria Tirkkonen avatar
Written by Maria Tirkkonen
Updated over 4 months ago

Connecting Bezala and Procountor

Before connecting Bezala and Procountor, please make sure that the API has been enabled in Procountor. To do this, please follow the path Management > Company info > Usage settings > Integration settings > Allow the usage of invoiceable API clients.
Create a connection between Bezala and Procountor by pressing the "Connect to Procountor" button on the "Company" page in Bezala's web version and signing in to Procountor on the page that opens up on the screen.

Cost centers

Cost centers can be fetched from Procountor to Bezala. To allow that please contact [email protected].
After our support has allowed the cost center fetching the cost centers can be fetched manually from the "Fetch data" button on the "Cost centers" page in Bezala's web version.
After that the cost centers will be fetched automatically once a day (morning).


Users with Accountant role can set the Procountor VAT status of the receipt in the VAT code field of the receipt form.

If you want the VAT code field visible in Bezala, you can request it from our customer support at [email protected].


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