Add a receipt (mobile)

How to create a new expense claim in Bezala using our mobile application

Fredrik Teir avatar
Written by Fredrik Teir
Updated over a week ago

How to create a new expense claim in Bezala using our mobile application

1. Click on the + -button to take a new picture of a receipt. Make sure that the image is clear and the VAT specifications are shown.

2. Write a description of the cost.

3. Choose and select the payment method, purchase type and cost centers

4. Check the information that you have entered and save the receipt. After saving the receipt will be reviewed by your approver.


You can add the image from your phone's library or upload as pdf from the + -button or main menu

We recommend to add only one receipt per receipt form.

On the start screen you will see all of your most recent expense claims. Older expense claims can be seen via the "Archive" link in the main menu.

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