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Power BI Integration
Power BI Integration
Fredrik Teir avatar
Written by Fredrik Teir
Updated over 2 months ago

Start Bezala and Power BI (BI Book) integration

  1. Contact Bezala's sales/support team:

    1. You should choose who in your team is going to be the Power BI integration user.

    2. You will receive information from Bezala about the Bezala API.

  2. Start the integration on the BI Book side. You will need Bezala API information there:

    1. Log in to BI Book and click "Management" in the main menu.

    2. Click on the "Integrations" tab.

    3. Start the Bezala integration transfer icon.

    4. Log in with Bezala's API information.

Here is the BI Book help page (i.e. 2a-2d above).

Power BI integration can then be found after launching in Bezala's browser version by clicking the main menu ==> BI reports.

Power BI helps your business picture things in a different way, e.g.:

  • The amount of expenses, e.g. who has the most expenses

  • Number of missing receipts, e.g. who has the most missing receipts

  • Amount of daily allowances.

  • Mileage claims and emissions (require separate data collection), e.g. in which countries have the workers been?

  • Accounts and calculation items

BI reporting is an additional paid service. Explore pricing.

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